Patricia Falco Genovez
He holds a degree in History from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (1993), a Master's in History from the Fluminense Federal University (1996) and a PhD in History from the Fluminense Federal University (2003). He is currently a professor at the Vale do Rio Doce University. He has experience in the area of History, with an emphasis on Cultural History, working mainly on the following topics: historical formation of the territory, research methodology, interdisciplinarity, cultural heritage, local history, memory, oral history and territorialities.
GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco; ALVES, Denise Rodrigues. A formação histórica e territorial da Radio Educadora Rio Doce em Governador Valadares (1950-1960). Revista Brasileira de História da Mídia. V.12, n. 1, p. 132-151, 2023.
GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco; CAZAROTTO, José Luiz. A pesquisa interdisciplinar e os desafios da escrita na pós-graduação. Revista Diálogos Interdisciplinares. V. 12, n. 2, p.88-106, 2023.
GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco. Entre o cristal e o fluxo: fontes historiográficas e as articulações têmporo-espaciais. História Unisinos, 26(3):605-613, Setembro/Dezembro 2022.
GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco; CAZAROTTO, José Luiz. A cidade como texto: Aproximações entre antropologia, urbanismo semiótica do espaço. CIDADES, COMUNIDADES E TERRITÓRIOS, v.43, p.227 - 239, 2021.
GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco; LISBOA, Débora T. (Entre)linhas arquitetônicas e a configuração de multiterritorialidades: sofrimento e rejeição a partir da igreja de São João Batista (Itueta/MG). Pixo - Revista de Arquitetura, Cidade e Contemporaneidade. v. 5, n. 19, p.124-143, 2021.
GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco; CAZAROTTO, José Luiz; SANTOS, Adilson M. de J. Da tecnè à poiésis: os des[a]tinos de um monumento. Humanidades & Inovação, v. 7, p.185-201, 2020.
GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco; SOUZA, Gilson Magno de. APPROACHES BETWEEN GAIA AND DIONYSUS: THE Approximations between Gaia and Dionísio: territorial studies and theater in an interdisciplinary approach. GEOGRAPHY IN ACTS (ONLINE). , v.3, p.100 - 124, 2019.
GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco; DUARTE, TS architecture and gender: the challenges of vocational training and the labor market. Journal Caderno Espaço Feminino of the Center for Gender Studies and Research on Women. , v.32, p.315 - 343, 2019.
GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco; TEIXEIRA, CCD; BRAGA, TFRelationship between History and Memories: Narratives of the Historical and Territorial Formation of the Center of Governador Valadares (MG).. BRAZILIAN REVIEW OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE. , v.1, p.39 - 67, 2019.
GENOVEZ, PATRICIA FALCO; MORAIS, MN RURAL TERRITORY: the origin of the concept and current academic research. Field.Territory. , v.14, p.36 - 60, 2019.
GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco; CARMO, MFA ; OLIVEIRA, RG Dissertations defended in the Master Integrated Territory Management (GIT) - 2011 to 2018. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2021, v.1. p.675.
DUQUE, ELT; GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco. Memories of Alpercata: urbanization, culture and daily life. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2021, v.1. p.99.
GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco; CAZAROTTO, José Luiz. Memories of the Rio Doce. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2021, v.1. p.29.
GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco; FERREIRA FILHO, José Bispo. Cultural Heritage of Governador Valadares. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2021, v.1. p.89.
GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco; VILARINO, MTB; OLIVEIRA, RG news portfolio- Master's in Integrated Territory Management (ASCORG/Univale 2011-20210. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2021, v.1. p.176.
GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco; VILARINO, MTB Heritage Education- Primer. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2020, v.1. p.22.
GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco; VILARINO, MTB Workshops, projects and classes- Courseware. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2020, v.1. p.43.
GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco; CAZAROTTO, JL; VILARINO, MTBXonin - Memories and stories of its territorial formation. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2020, v.1. p.99.
GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco. Memories and stories of Governador Valadares (1910-2019)- Its territorial formation and the Figueira do Rio Doce Municipal Park. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2019, v.1. p.121.
GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco; VILARINO, MTB; LOPES, Isabela Rosa. Xonin - Gallery of memories. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2019, v.1. p.96.
GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco; MORAIS, MN News Portfolio: ACE-GV at DRD– Board of Directors Ignês Vieira Cabral. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2020, v.2, p.119.
GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco. Annals of the II Meeting of Territorial Studies in an interdisciplinary perspective. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2021, v.1. p.344.
GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco; MORAIS, M. N. Portfólio de Notícias: ACE-GV no DRD – Diretoria Ignês Vieira Cabral. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2022, v.2, p.119.
GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco. Anais do II Encontro de Estudos Territoriais numa perspectiva interdisciplinar. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2021, v.1. p.344.
GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco; MORAIS, MN; OLIVEIRA, RC de. Interdisciplinary perspectives of the territory- Research Projects 2020. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2021, v.1. p.232.
GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco; MORAIS, MN News Portfolio: ACE-GV at DRD– Board of Directors Ivo de Tassis Filho. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2020, v.1. p.64.
GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco; SANTOS, MA Interdisciplinary perspectives of the territory- Research Projects 2019. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2020, v.1. p.177.
VILARINO, MTB; GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco. Paths of struggle for land in the Rio Doce valley: conflict and strategies. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2019, v.1. p.310.
VILARINO, MTB; GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco. Journey to the Promised Land: José Pavuna Neto's travel diary. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2019, v.1. p.88.
SILVEIRA, KGC; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco; COELHO, PMB Impacts of the Continuous Provision Benefit in the territory of the beneficiary. In:Interdisciplinary perspectives of the territory- Research Projects 2020.1 ed. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2021, v.1, p. 66-75.
ARAUJO, VF; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco; MIRANDA, R. Implications of the right to be forgotten in existential territory. In:Interdisciplinary perspectives of the territory- Research Projects 2020.1 ed. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2021, v.1, p. 76-85.
SANTOS, NL; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco; NETTO, CM The territorial imaginary of Ilha dos Araújos: the historical formation of the territory and the relationship with land regularization. In:Interdisciplinary perspectives of the territory- Research Projects 2020.1 ed. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2021, v.1, p. 122-131.
TORETTA, FTG; PAULA, FC; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. Symbolic and identity reconstruction in the resettlement process of the District of Bento Rodrigues belonging to the municipality of Mariana - MG. In:Interdisciplinary perspectives of the territory- Research Projects 2020.1 ed. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2021, v.1, p. 152-161.
SIQUEIRA, Sueli; ASSIS, Gláucia Oliveira; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. Migrant women multiterritoriality process in transnational marriage condition. In: Women, Gender and the Legacy of Slavery and Indenture.1 ed. Abingdon: Routledge, 2020, v.1, p. 200-220.BOOK/CHAPTER
VILARINO, MTB; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. The struggle for land in the Rio Doce Valley: opening scenarios In:Paths of struggle for land in the Rio Doce valley: conflict and strategies.1 ed. Governador Valadares: Editora Univale, 2019, v.1, p. 10-40.
20 Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation, Governador Valadares, 2022.
SANTOS, IDB ; ASSIS, ECP ; ALEXANDRE, LVB ; GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco; MORAIS, MN CULTURAL REFERENCES IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF GOVERNADOR VALADARES: PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS. In: 20th Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation. Governador Valadares, 2022. v. 1. p. 206-206.
SANTOS, NL ; GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco; NETTO, CM. SCENES FROM THE TERRITORIAL NARRATIVE OF ILHA DOS ARAÚJOS (GV): INTERPRETATIONS BASED ON THE BURKEAN PENTAD. In: 20th Symposium on Research and InScientific initiation. Governador Valadares, 2022. v. 1. p. 414-414.
FRANCO, JM ; PRATES, CP ; BERNARDINO, IVR ; MORAIS, MN ; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. FPF/UNIVALE MEMORIES ON YOUTUBE: THE PLAYLISTS FPF MEMORIES AND PRIDE OF BELONGING. In: 20th Research and Initiation Symposium Scientific. Governador Valadares, 2022. v. 1. p. 424-424.
ALVES, DR ; SILVA, L. ; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. THE PIONEERS OF RADIO EDUCATORA RIO DOCE IN GOVERNADOR VALADARES (MG). In: 20th Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation. Governador Valadares, 2022. v. 1. p. 427-427.
OLIVEIRA, AFM ; CASSIM, MC ; FERREIRA, CM ; MÁLTARO, SM ; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. DESIGN AND HERITAGE EDUCATION: THE CULTURAL HERITAGE OF GOVERNADOR VALADARES AND GAMIFICATION. In: 20th Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation. Governador Valadares, 2022. v. 1. p. 470-470.
OLIVEIRA, PH ; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW OF PARENTAL ALIENATION SYNDROME (PAS): THE LAW, THE EMOTIONS AND THE CHILDREN'S TERRITORIES. In: 20th Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation. Governador Valadares, 2022. v. 1. p. 639-639.
SANTOS, IDB ; ASSIS, ECP ; ALEXANDRE, LVB ; GENOVEZ, Patrícia Falco; MORAIS, MN. CULTURAL REFERENCES IN THE REGION SURROUNDING GOVERNADOR VALADARES: MEMORY, IDENTITY AND TOPOPHILY. In: 20th Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation. Governador Valadares, 2022. v. 1. p. 217-217.
19 Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation, Governador Valadares, 2021.
MIRANDA, ARD; AMANCIO, SR; SILVA, AA; GENOVEZ, Patrícia F. Biophilic Design In: 19 Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation, 2021. v.1. p.138 - 138.
MIRANDA, ARD; SILVA, AA; AMANCIO, SR; GENOVEZ, Patrícia F. Tiny House. In: 19 Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation, 2021. v.1. p.138 - 138.
18 Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation, Governador Valadares, 2020.
RIBEIRO, DA; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. Vila Mariana from Kenneth Burke's pentadic cartography: preliminary research notes. In: 18 Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation, 2020. v.1. P. 877 - 877.
17 Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation, Governador Valadares, 2019.
LISBON, DT; JESUS, MF; MELO, IRD; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. Analysis of Catholic sacred architecture in the region of Itueta (MG) and its relationship with territorialization. In: 17 Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation, 2019. v.1. P. 268 - 268.
LIGHT, MJM; CARMO, MFA ; LOPES, IR; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. Supracrestal structures, restorative treatment and periodontal health: bibliographical survey. In: 17 Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation, 2019. v.1. P. 268 - 268.
LOURENCO, GLO; MAURER, MS; VILARINO, MTB; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. Infractional acts and socio-educational measures in deprivation of liberty: an analysis based on Kenneth Burke's pentad. In: 17 Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation, 2019. v.1. P. 367 - 367.
MARTINS, RC; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. Burkean Dramatism: interview of the UFJF/GV pioneer server. In: 17 Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation, 2019. v.1. P. 375 - 375.
LOPES, IR; CARMO, MFA ; LIGHT, MJM; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. Historical and territorial formation of Xonin (GV/MG): the documentary sources of the CEDAC Documentation and Custody Archive Center (1951-1981). In: 17 Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation, 2019. v.1. P. 376 - 376.
MARTINS, RC; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. Governador Valadares: bibliographic review. In: 17 Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation, 2019. v.1. P. 388 - 388.
BATISTA, CMG; SILVA, LAS; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. Inventory of cultural references in the municipality of Machacalis/MG: places and celebrations. In: 17 Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation, 2019. v.1. P. 373 - 373.
CARMO, MFA ; LOPES, Isabela Rosa; LIGHT, MJM; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. Memories of higher education in Governador Valadares in CEDAC documents (1950s to 1990s). In: 17 Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation, 2019. v.1. P. 378 - 378.
LIGHT, MJM; CARMO, MFA ; LOPES, Isabela Rosa; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. The cultural heritage of the microregion of Governador Valadares: Inventory of cultural references. In: 17 Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation, 2019. v.1. P. 377 - 377.
PRADO, ANS; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. The urban Territorial Formation process and the land regularization of the Center of Governador Valadares in 2014. In: 17 Simpósio de Pesquisa e Initiação Científica, 2019. v.1. P. 370 - 370.
MINT, LFE; SOUZA, MCRF; CAMPOS, RBF; GENOVEZ, Patricia Falco. Cultural public policies: reflections, considerations and notes on publications on the CAPES portal in the last 10 years. In: 17 Symposium on Research and Scientific Initiation, 2019. v.1. P. 372 - 372.