The News Portfolio of the Commercial and Business Association of Governador Valadares (ACE-GV) consists of news clippings published in the Diário do Rio Doce (DRD) between 1998 and 2019. The initiative for carrying out such research was from ACE-GV itself , represented by its president Jackson Lemos, in celebration of the institution's 80th anniversary. The intention was to collect the news linked to each board in the last 20 years of operation. The partnership signed between ACE-GV and Univale involved researchers from the Territory Interdisciplinary Observatory (OBIT/Univale), linked to the Stricto Sensu Integrated Territory Management Graduate Program.
The research team, coordinated by Professor Haruf Salmen Espindola, consulted the newspaper printed between 1998 and 2008 in the Diário do Rio Doce archive. The numbers published between 2009 and 2019 were searched in PDF files made available by DRD to researchers. In this way, the news referring to ACE-GV published in the printed newspapers were photographed and those published in the newspapers available in PDF were cropped.
In all, more than 6,000 newspaper issues were consulted. They were organized by Board of Directors, as follows:
Volume I – Ivo de Tassis Filho
Volume II – Ignês Vieira Cabral
Volume III – Lincoln Byrro Netto
Volume IV – Edmilson Soares dos Santos
Volume V – Wellington Silveira de Oliveira Braga
Volume VI – Edison Gualberto
Volume VII – Renato Fraga Valentim
Volume VIII – Maurício Campos Dutra
Volume IX – Jackson Lemos
In general, the clippings indicate the effective participation of ACE-GV as a representative entity of the city's entrepreneurs in various areas, whether linked to the demands of the class itself or those aimed at the development of the municipality or social action, often demonstrated to from the numerous partnerships established with other sectors and social actors. Far from showing all the dynamics of ACE-GV, the clippings organized in nine volumes partially recover the entity's memory and contribute to the strengthening of its identity. However, it should be noted that the clippings demonstrate an effective articulation between ACE-GV and the city and its challenges: social, infrastructural, economic, political and developmental.